ZZTer Comics - Frost - Power: page 7
I sure was annoyed when I drew a panel I really liked, only to realise during inking that I'd made a silly mistake in it. I'll let you work out which one that is.
Thanks to the very nice people at the Something Awful forums for giving me a couple of pointers re: making things less obviously amateurish. One of them sent me some stuff I really ought to implement into the site already.
I fixed the site mostly by completely replacing index.php and starting over. At least I think it's all okay now.
I added a small cast list to the site. There's only three characters on it so far but it'll expand over time.
Actually you know what, balls to it, I'll put a second page up on Wednesday. I'm dissatisfied with the trickle of new pages so far. Don't expect it to be a regular thing though.