ZZTer Comics - Frost - Power: page 6

The first 2/3 of the page are supposed to be kind of diagrammatic but I didn't keep the proportions consistent and should have started as big as I ended really.
Feel free to call me out on swordplay techniques as I actually made all this up on the fly and have no actual knowledge on the subject. I was more interested in panel-to-panel choreography than research. I'm SO SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i think
And for some reason Comicpress has apparently decided to post the newest update twice after I specifically told it not to. If anyone out there knows how to make it stop, let me know okay. It annoys me disproportionately and I'd really appreciate it. I know it's something to do with index.php but I have no idea which bit of rogue code I need to modify. This is my face right now: >:|