ZZTer Comics - Frost - Power: page 4

I'm not actually here this weekend, I'm in Sheffield on a TESL course. I may be getting out of the country again to harass foreign lands with the English language come September! Maybe, nothing is concrete yet
Don't tell me I spelled "Fibonacci" wrong. I didn't. It's a lame pun.
Also, in the "lunchtime" panel, Melissa is telling the other girl about the thing she was talking about on the previous page. Penny says "probably mostly made up", Melissa says "shut up." and Penny says "no". It kind of got lost when I shrunk the page down (OKAY, I admit it, I actually never intended to shrink my pages but Comicpress makes me and I'm its bitch).
The "dddrrriiinnnggg" parts of this page were actually a lot of fun to ink in, once I got the hang of it.