Oktrollberfest Winners(ish)

These games are the first-place winners of the various Oktrollberfest game jams.
(Except for Maze of the Mahayana and Silvio's Cellar. Neither of those are on the Museum, but you have my word that they won first place in the first and fourth Oktrollberfests back in 2020 and 2023, respectively.)
Collection Contents (7 files)

Collection Description
Second-place winner of Oktrollberfest (2020.)
The actual first-place winner, Maze of the Mahayana, is not on the Museum at the time I made this collection.

Collection Description
First place winner of Oktrollberfest II (2021.)

Collection Description
One of three first place winners of Oktrollberfest 3 (2022), along with Super Hang-Up and Get That Dollar.

Collection Description
One of three first place winners of Oktrollberfest 3 (2022), along with The Yet Longer ZZT Game and Get That Dollar.

Program Description
HYPER LOW RES SUPER RETRO children's TV show fanfic/anti-capitalist ZZT screed with poultry body horror, ATM hacking, and unlicensed dentistry!
Collection Description
One of three first place winners of Oktrollberfest 3 (2022), along with The Yet Longer ZZT Game and Super Hang-Up.

Collection Description
Tied for second-place winner of Oktrollberfest IV (2023.)
The actual first-place winner, Silvio's Cellar, is not on the Museum at the time I made this collection.

Collection Description
Winner of Oktrollberfest V (2024.)
I am just as surprised as you are.