Hot Jams - Quality ZZT Music

Audio is often seen as ZZT's largest limitation. There are countless great looking boards that are playable, cinemas, or static art pieces, but instances of noteworthy audio are few and far between.
These worlds manage to take the single channel PC speaker and put it to work in unexpectedly great ways.
Collection Contents (7 files)

Collection Description
Perhaps a bit of a cheat. WiL has always been renowned for his ZZT compositions, and this world serves as a massive collection of them.
With more than 90 tracks included, this is the most ZZT audio you'll likely ever come across.
Some personal faves:
- [07] "Swift Night Journey - Diplomat Mix"
- [16] "Tupperwar Saga Theme - Slow+Hand-Made Mix"
- [18] "7h3 50n6 0f 5747n" (a cover of Celine Dion's "My Heart Will Go On")
- [26] "The Rose - The Complete Overture"
- [47] "Best 14 Seconds of My Day (Original From Mario 2)"
- [53] "Banana Quest - The Anthem - Very Exciting Mix"
- [65] "Fall '00 24hoZ Title Screen"
- [85] "Deceiving Guidance End Theme"

Collection Description
A ZZT conversion of a 1982 tech demo to advertise the Commodore 64's sound and graphical capabilities. Viovis converts the demo's scenes to ZZT and breaks out some well made ZZT renditions of various Christmas carols.
The perfect holiday gift. Only $595

Featured Reviews
- Featured Game: Evil Sorceror's Party by Fishfood
- MadTom's Pick - ESP (The Evil Sorcerer's Party) by MadTom
Collection Description
What more could you expect from an author with a love of the works of Gilbert and Sullivan?
ESP is one of ZZT's most polished games and goes well beyond the expectations of 2003. One aspect in which it stands out is its use of music. It's been nearly 20 years and I still constantly find myself singing "Look Into My Eyes".

Collection Description
If Wells was going to be inspired by Gilbert and Sullivan for "Evil Sorcerers' Party", I suppose it's only fitting for him to release a collection of ZZT conversions of G&S's other works!
You just have to hear Modern Major General in PC speaker form.

Featured Reviews
- Classic Game of the Month Review: Merbotia by Hydra
- Featured Game: Merbotia by Commodore
Collection Description
A short little adventure about finding a way back to Earth after being summoned to another dimension. On its own, this would be a fondly remembered adventure game, but its title screen music became iconic and turned Merbotia into a name every ZZTer of the mid-90s onward knew.
Drive safely!

Collection Description
The title screen is exactly what you think it's going to be.

Collection Description
"Music Box", contained within ZZT Tools is a dedicated soundtrack world containing the collected audio works of Alexis Janson, a prolific early ZZT musician whose songs have been frequently lifted (with and without permission) in countless other ZZT worlds. The world separates the music by game making it easy to relisten to a favorite tune from any of Janson's classic releases.