Games With Suspiciously Familiar Boards

A collection of worlds that lifted boards from games by different authors. Probably without permission. Possibly tweaked afterwards.
Collection Contents (17 files)

Collection Description
The board "Goblin's Den" is a modification of the "Dwarven Lair" from Ezanya

Collection Description
ZUTS. Again. Board #22.

Collection Description
"Hyrule Castle 3" is a modification of Town's "The Mixer".

Collection Description
This is either built directly on top of Code Red or just unabashedly turns into Code Red at some point.

Collection Description
The vortex board (named LOCKED FILE) is a palette tweak of ZUTS from Best of ZZT Part 1

Collection Description
An April Fool's joke on z2 where a "lost Alexis Janson" game was discovered. The world is just a renamed copy of "The Three Trials" with a few adjustments in dialog to refer to the player as a fool.

Collection Description
The "Mine Transit Authority" boards are another instance of a reskinned Z.U.T.S. from Best of ZZT.

Collection Description
- Pyramid and several other boards are from Best of ZZT Part 1

Collection Description
- THE MOUNTAIN and others are taken from The Lost Monkeys

Collection Description
The vine covered castle on the title screen is a trimmed down version of the vine covered castle on the title screen of "Warlord's Temple".

Collection Description
"Rip-off Screen" is just Town's "The Mixer", with a notice about it and everything!

Collection Description
A significant number of boards are from part 1 of "Link's Adventure".

Collection Description
The entire game seems to be built on top of TOUR.ZZT, featuring a number of modified boards from the the original ZZT saga.

Collection Description
"Tower1" is a modification of Aceland's "Tower Gates". The bonus boards at the end are the same game's Acecaves preview boards as well.

Collection Description
Compare with "Mega Man"

Collection Description
The majority of these arcade games are lifted from Chris Kohler's "Classic Arcade" series and other releases. Enough that I'm wondering if all the games originated in other worlds...

Collection Description
"MultiPush - S.5" is a direct import of the same board from Nightmare, with the objects that create a path for faster travel through the completed board removed as it's now this game's penultimate board.