
Yawning, you awake from another wonderful nap. It's great being a cat. You stretch and wash yourself. Clean clean clean, wash wash wash, stretch stretch, oops, time for another nap.
This is a list of ZZT games where you play as, or an important supporting character is, a cat. I'm not counting the games with more anthropomorphised cats, as 'furry ZZT games' deserves its own list anyway =3
Collection Contents (15 files)

Program Description
"Please Enjoy Kitten Hallway 3: Return of Kitten Hallway: End of Kitten Hallway: Hallway Harder: Kitten Hellway, an incremental rpg / arcade / action game for Weave 3.2f."
Collection Description
A fun endless-runner type of game whose trolling slowly creeps up on you. With the custom font, I could see this being a weird shareware DOS game I would have taken a shine to back in the day.

Collection Description
This and Kitten Hallway have the best collection of ASCII-converted cat images.

Collection Description
A certain white cat that can pilot a mecha makes an appearance here.

Collection Description
This and Kitten Hallway 2 have the best collection of ASCII-converted cat images.

Collection Description
Get the boid before they does. With a snarky black cat in tow.

Featured Reviews
- Featured World: CAT, CAT, THAT DAMN CAT by Dr. Dos
Collection Description
The best ZZT game where you play as a cat.

Collection Description
The Cat Dating Sim and the Very ZZT Wedding.

Collection Description
You'll believe a cat can say "Shit!"!

Collection Description
One of the first ZZT platformers.

Collection Description
Kerbie, the author's cat, is on a quest to find her human.

Collection Description
The cats are the bad guys in this game >:( There is an interesting bit of ZZT history in its credits, though.