Let's get things ready for the end of year rush! Maybe. I have no idea who else has something they plan to release by year's end, but it's been a habit to try and make the queue squeaky clean in time for the new year. With more than a dozen titles in the queue as is, and more sure to come, today's a great day to clean house a little.
This set comes with the usual slew of streamed games, covering aliens, and two parts of a four part series of which I can't even confidently say whether we have two or three parts preserved! In addition, BigtimeDude is back once more with another full release and another demo, capitalizing on power of brand recognition and the long standing love of ZZT fan games that make for some interesting interpretations of characters audiences are already familiar with. As an added bonus, this publication pack brings us some non-English games written in Norwegian, and for the first time ever: Czech!
As is always the case when I don't do the whole publication pack process in a single sitting (I'm tired after picking all these screenshots and writing all these brief descriptions), there's already one brand new title that will have to wait for year's end.
Hey this is the 64th Publication Pack so thank you to BigtimeDude for ensuring the Nintendo 64 gets some representation with a James Bond and Star Fox game.
“Azurit” by prebral

One of a few recently unearthed games written in Czech! From the many scrolls, I think there are aliens among us (control yourselves) that the player needs to track down.

“Gymnázium Jana Nerudy Trilogy” by prebral (1997)

A Czech trilogy of games with some very vivid looking boards, shared locations between worlds, and "Krusty's Stalk Show"! I would love to actually try out this series.

“UFOs: Invasion USA (v3.0)” by Transon (1995)

The latest version of a game in which you are tasked with boarding UFOs that have landed on Earth and taking out their commanders. Now with fewer bugs and more funky bonus music!

“UFOs: Invasion USA (v2.0)” by Transon (1995)

An older, presumably less funky and more buggy version of the same game. Some different board layouts, but at a glance the changes between versions seem relatively minor.

“UFO” by Erik L., kristomu (1995)

Not an invasion USA. Not Czech either. This one is Norwegian! Speak with a captured alien (if you can) and then track down their crashed UFO.

“Alien Extinction” by T-800

Your only hope at repairing your crashed ship means traversing through an alien base. Deal with facehuggers, scorpions, and predators in this game that really likes filling rooms to the brim with creatures.

“Aliens II” by DCM, Jed

A sequel to an unpreserved game. The president is an alien, and now the aliens are after you! Fortunately, a small child is working on a super duper laser phaser.

“Journey: City of Wizards” by Doc

Possibly a sequel to the recently streamed "Castle Siege", but a bit more bland. Quest for some magic MacGuffins to defeat the unkillable Alaw and Arawn once and for all!

“Journey's End” by Doc (2004)

The conclusion of the Journey series. Get another MacGuffin and throw some crossbows into a fire to fuse them together. Mind the occasional r-slur and f-slur! Oops.

“The Game” by AlanSo (1997)

A very strange incomplete game based very loosely on the 1997 film with Mulder and Scully thrown in for good measure. Play your Nintendo 64 and investigate your fridge.

“This Is Art 3” by Agent Orange (2022)

A fulfilled art request. The screenshots tell you everything you need to know.

“JAMES BOND VS BLOFELD ZZT DEMO” by BigtimeDude (2022)

A demo (teaser really) for a BigtimeDude James Bond game. The full version claims it will have every bond woman and every bond villain so it's got my support.

“FULL VERSION: STAR FOX ZZT” by BigtimeDude (2022)

The full release of Star Fox ZZT. Ratify treaties with violence! Travel to quite a number of planets! And of course, read a variety of poetry.