Livestream of the ZZT worlds:
- "Final Fantasy: The Return of Kefka" by Tusk 777 (1997)
- "Final Fantasy: Kefka Returns, Part 2" by Tusk 777 (1997)
- "Secret Of Life" (1996)
Wrapping up JRPG month with 3 more games inspired by Final Fantasy 6 and Secret of Mana.
The first Kekfa Returns game is pretty basic aside from some scary looking clown faces. But, the author requests feedback for the sequel and must have gotten something as the sequel improves things quite a bit. It's far more memorable dealing with Kefka's game show and carnival than anything in the first game, though obviously, it is not quite capturing the style of the Square original.
Lastly, Secret of Life is intended to be a crossover between FF6 and Secret of Mana. It's enough of a mess that I left the game knowing nothing more about Secret of Mana than when I went in.