Let's almost empty that queue! (For the time being while Weave is getting frequent updates it's easier to let the upload keep getting edited!)
Expect packs to be happening regularly as a copy of asie's queue is now something I have access to. I may be taking over to some extent on streaming some of the literal hundreds of files contained within and trying to drip feed them out so they can get some attention versus adding a ton in bulk. It's also going to be a very easy way to round out a queue that doesn't quite have enough in it to justify publishing, which is where the first two worlds (and the Superman one) in this pack come in.
“A$$A$$IN's Guide To Making ZZT Games” by A$$A$$IN (2003)

Starting off with some newbie guides. There are so many of them out there, but this one is generally well-made aside from the usual minor inaccuracies. It goes beyond just being a clone of Demo and offers some more complex examples of coding than just "This is how to make an object move/shoot".

“A$$A$$IN's Guide To Making ZZT Games 2” by A$$A$$IN (2004)

Its sequel ups the presentation even more and includes sections on the importance of good scenery and other design-focused tips. Both these worlds really lean heavily into ZZT gore aesthetics which is kind of unusual for a tutorial world but sure!

“Bob's Adventure in Nowhere Land (BKZX)” by emmzee (1997)

A ZZT game made for a MegaZeux BKZX (Blitzkrieg Zeux) contest. Created in (likely) under an hour this game is about as nonsensical as most BK games are given the severe time restrictions.

“Casino for ZZT (alt)” by AnthonyThW, TheDaveC

An alternate version of that enhanced version of a ZZT casino game. The only difference seems to be on that board with the wall of text about how you have to play the author's other games doesn't loop. Amazing.

“Doomsday: Reign of the Supermen” by Patrick Rills, Sean Jandle

A simplistic Superman (and friends) game. This looks very similar in style to games published under DGGWare and may actually be an extremely early example, though no concrete link has been found as of yet.

“The Game”

This is it. This is the game.

“Goo! It's Alive! (Summer DoZ 2010)” (2010)

Okay, now years later we have a Super ZZT game made for a BKZX. The title screen is the only thing that was completed.

“Ryo and The Master's Riddles (v1.1)” by MTK (2014)

A puzzle game which challenges the player to solve several riddles. The interface for answering them seems like providing an answer might take a while.