Just in time for Halloween it's time for something a little more Easter. There's nothing horrific in this set, but it clears out the queue just in time for Oktrollberfest to end which will undoubtedly produce some terror next week.
“Sonic and Tails” by DRG4 (1996)

Oh good, somebody made the ZZT game I would've wanted to make in 1996. By which I mean a text heavy and utterly bizarre fanfiction based on the Archie Sonic the Hedgehog comics and also sometimes Spider-Man or Zero from Mega Man X show up. Incredible plot twists like holograms, roboticizations, and the UncleNet. Also its a sequel to Sonic and Knuckles.

“Bart's Dimension” by Joseph Free Reyes, Joshua Jed Fadriquela (1997)

Finally, the crossover we've all been waiting for. The Simpsons meets Aerosmith. Wait that already happened in season three.

“Casino for ZZT” by AnthonyThW, TheDaveC (1994)

A remake of an early ZZT casino game. It's got slots, guess the number, a shooting gallery, and a strange but far more improved roulette game! Plus incredibly aggressive marketing for Dave Unlimited's other game that's more of a threat than an ad!

“Castaway” (1996)

Sorry, this game is too early to be a fangame based on the Tom Hanks movie. After the cruise ship you're on is wrecked you wash up on a highly populated island and need to escape back home.

“Hamsters” by Steve Syckes

Your brothers have been jailed for blowing up the statue of liberty's head and some guy's store. You must rescue them, but good luck since the game isn't finished. Starts on the wrong board.

“The World of Cheaters + Bomb” (1993)

Two games in one! "Bomb" where you have to race through some boards before a bomb explodes at the end, and "The World of Cheaters" where you have to defeat some cheating robots before they blow up the world. Presumably with a bomb as well.

“Brain=Dead” by AuroraCougar

Lots of basic action with each board representing a level. The title is good, but seems irrelevant to anything contained within.

“Egg Maker: Engine of the Year Edition” by Agent Orange (2021)

Check out this egg I made. Making an egg is now easier than ever!