1 โโโโโโคโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโคโโโโคโโโโ โ โโ โ July 1996 โ v โ ^ โ โโโโโโดโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโดโโโโดโโโโข โ โโโโ โโโโ โโโโ โ โ โ \ โ โ โ โ The Year of โ โ โ \โ โ โ โ MEGAZEUX! โ โ โ โ\ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ \ โ โโโ โ โโโโโโ โโโ โ โ โโโโ โโโโ โโโ โโโโโโโโโ โโโ โ โ โโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโ โ โ โ โ Volume 3 "Stylin' Profilin" โ โ โ โโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโ ZZT-MZX Newsletter Issue 7 (The Dull Issue) (Did Issue 6 say Issue 5. Oops!) Head Of Staff: E. CyberBRO THE STAFF: DeadPhrog, Owcp, and STRIKESOFT +-------------------+ โ PACK-IN'S include โ +---------------------------------------------------------+ *None* +---------------------------------------------------------+ The Tiger's Den White Tiger Productions Tim Hamilton Pres. Hello once again, This time I'm going to ask a simple question. If a remake of Empire was made, utilizing even better graphics, more boards, more music, and (can it be done?) an even bigger plot, would you play it (yes, this time I'll get beta testers)? That's all I really need to know. It would seem that Goobers is going to be a bit late in coming. Jim is moving to Kansas City, so all MZXing has been halted. Omega-D is still being worked on (anyone want to help?) And I would like to know, who is making this game called Omega, and where did they get the idea for it, hmmm? Time for me to put in my two bits on this password cracking bit. 1) If someone does lock his game, thats a sign that he doesn't want it hacked. You people could at least have the common courtesy to respect that! 2) Don't ask for one from someone else. If your that lazy that you wont make your own, and that lazy that you wont try to win the game fairly, but hack it. Or even if you just want to know a secret programming bit, maybe, just maybe if you ask the author nice enough, he'll just tell you. Anyway, if you have any suggestions or comments, send them to THKirk@aol.com Another article from Deadphrog: Hello again, all. And yes, I did miss last month's NL, but I have a good=20 excuse. My computer was too messed up to use for a week, then I was sick for over a week. Anyhoo, it seems very little has been going on in the=20 ZZT/MZX world. Buuutttt, some people are attempting to make a new addition to the ZZT/MZX world. Right now we have three programs to make our ZZT/MZX games with. We have good old ZZT. And yes, I do mean old! 'Tis true, our old friend is behind the times. The creators of this classic game tried to= =20 give us a worthy sequel to ZZT, but in the eyes of most, they failed. Super ZZT was a step in the right direction, but sadly, a baby step. Then along= =20 came Greg Janson. He created a worthy successor to ZZT. MegaZeux. Most= are quite happy with MZX, but still more can be added, and that was basically= the goal of Kev Vance, with his ZZT/MZX clone. It was to be the next in the= line with a better editor interface than MZX, with pull-down menus, a switch to= 80x50 textmode, and more, while still being DOS based. But Kev kinda= stopped work on it because it wasn't really going anywhere. Now, the next= generation of ZZT style games is being written. It's code-named FoxEY, and should= change the face of ZZT/MZX style games forever. It will be DOS based with -FLI Animation for Title Screen -Easy to learn language (as yet unnamed) -Coverter for ZZT & MZX boards (Also imports objects, robots) -Import BMP's, GIF's for backround. -.chr an .pal support The current release date is December, so cross you fingers and wait for a REAL Christmas present, the next generation in ZZT/MZX!!! The converter will be very useful and make the transistion from MZX easier, and I can already think of tons of great uses for BMPs and GIFs! While most wait with bated breath some and are helping FoxEY's creator, Bill K. Meeks,= build FoxEY. If you would like to help Bill, email him at:=20 bill_meeks@juno.com. Another new occurance in the ZZT/MZX world is the appearance of more and= more ZZT/MZX web sites! There ae more and more good ones out there, many=20 tips and hints, and even download pages! No longer is ZZT/MZX restricted to AOL! It's beginning to spread throughout the entire Internet! In fact more and more AOL ZZT/MZXers are leaving AOL for the less restricting (and=20 cheaper) Internet. =20 There's sadly not much more going on in the world of ZZT/MZX. And, since no one sends in company updates anymore, there aren't any. See you next month everyone! ----=3D=3D=3D=3DDeadPhrog=3D=3D=3D=3D---- President and founder of SHATTERED PERSPECTIVES GAMES DeadPhrog@sinewave.com The Critic Corner ================= by E. CyberBRO ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Chaos Fighters AUTHOR: Romulun GRADE: D SIZE: 33K ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Plus side: 1. Not some complete FLOP!! 2. Takes a few minutes to beat. The Minus side: 1. A crappy ZZT game for Megazeux. 2. 85% of the Objects don't speak when you expect them too. 3. The author is working on Chaos Fighters II coming soon. Oh dear. 4. The title screen, only green letters. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Rampager--The Deathbot Sim AUTHOR: Romulun GRADE: F- SIZE: 58K ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Plus side: 1. There are nothing but minus sides to this game. The Minus side: 1. It isn't a game. 2. There is no point to it. 3. The controls are unbelievably sluggish. 4. The Author just threw objects on the screen. 5. A huge robot with various weapons in which only bullets work. 6. If you can remember the controls the game will last as long as a minute or less. 7. Title screen similar to Chaos Fighters, Green letters a few lines above the center of the screen. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Yoshi MZX AUTHOR: ChrisK2018 GRADE: C+ SIZE: 54K ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Plus side: 1. Lookin' pretty good for a classic. 2. Not too many games like these out there. The Minus side: 1. The major fact that the game isn't finished. 2. The major fact that we heard Chris is not going to finish it. That's it for the NL. Until then, stay tuned for next months NL. (Special Note: "As for me putting together the NL monthly from you articles N' such I have accidently lost the April edition of the NL. If someone out there has a copy I would greatly apreciate it.) E. CyberBRO

The NL - Volume 3 Issue 7 (The Dull Issue)
Inside: The Tiger's Den, A new ZZT/MZX CLone FoxEY, The Critic Corner
Published: Jul 31, 1996
Part of Series: NL