Time to empty the queue while the queue can be emptied in one go!
Just some variety here. A few games by "ZZTrash" that look like they might live up to the name. An earlier, more powerful, and more complicated method to transfer data between ZZT worlds by Lancer X, another WiL parody game that I am unsure what to make of. You know, the usual stuff.
“The Search For Irv!” by ZZTrash

Flipping through the boards I thought this game was full of jokes about how great speed is, only to eventually realize they're talking about some game and not the drug. Now that I realize that it's not, I'm even more confused what this game's deal is.

“The Samoan War” by ZZTrash

Ah, that clears up "Speed" a lot better.
Still inscrutable. I can keep clicking boards and objects at random and can determine nothing. There are stores and jails and lots of TV stations, but I cannot figure out why. The author was not living in Samoa when they made this. I do not know if they have Samoan heritage.

“The Rest of: The Northern Samoan War!” by ZZTrash

This is more of the same game because 101 boards wasn't enough. I've come across plenty of these 90s comedy games with Barney references and making fun of TV programming in general, but to go on this long is as impressive as it is terrifying.

“When There Is No More Maze” by WiL (2021)

WiL returns with yet another game that I see the title screen for and think "Ah. A 30-second parody" only to discover that there's an actual game inside. Combining DeadPhrog's When There Is No More Snow with KKairos's Big Beast in the Maze, two games that debuted about two weeks apart into... this.

“Ultimate Conquest (Sneak Peek)” (1997)

You live in a small house in a small town, but the king has a quest for you to take. The evil warlord known as Pyron is out to take over the land of Teraania. It's your job to stop him and his minions.A two board demo for a DarkMage Software RPG. The visuals look nice, but there is no text in the demo other than that opening and another plug listing some features on the second board so it's not a whole lot to take in.

“Z2 v0.61 Beta (Resources + Source Code)” by Carlos DaSilva (1997)

Oh hey. Remember that incomplete copy of a mid-90s ZZT clone "Z2" that was missing some critical files? The critical files have been found along with the source code. Asie did another showcase stream of the now existing and playable demo world that's currently on Twitch. (Around 23 minutes in.)

“MZX/ZZT Online Forum Ad” by Brian Palmer (1996)

Program Description
Advertisement program for an AOL sub-forum.
This is great. It's an ultra tiny (1.3KB) COM file meant to be bundled with your ZZT and MegaZeux releases to plug a website for ZZTers and MZXers to congregate on.
“Swap World Engine” by Lancer X (2020)

Lastly a demonstration world that allows transferring data from one world to another. This one is far more robust and capable than the one seen recently in Wake Up and Unlock the Door, though it requires quite a lot more code as well as out-of-bounds stats to exploit a bug where an object using #die
may cause another stat to move.