This month's classic game of the month goes out to Sombrero. Sombrero was Dark FLR's first game, which was released in late 1998. After Sombrero Dark FLR made another game (Seranade), the first few issues of the magazine ZZTV (now continued by Zenith) and the really neato tool ZZT Piano. After this, he disappeared from the ZZT scene again. Sombrero is probably the best of the two games he made.
In Sombrero you assume the role of a young boy, who's living in a small town in the desert. When you were only six yours old, your father was murdered. Your grandfather took over your custody, and since that moment he has raised you. But alas, he gets murdered, too. You swear revenge, and start a journey to find the killer... This turns out to be quite a nice story, with a couple of plot twists along the way too.
The thing that's special about this adventure are the battles. Instead of RPG battles like most adventures have, this battles uses "sombrero battles". Whenever a conflict between you and somebody else arises, the two of you go throw sombreros at each other to decide who is right. Quite innovative. However, the controls tend to be a bit irresponsive, which makes the fights are really hard (maybe too hard).
The graphics of this game are really nice too, especially considering this game was released in 1998. A little downpoint of the game is that there's no sound and music, but hey, in 1998 there weren't any WiLs or Jacob Hammonds around to make great music :). Overall, this is a really cool game which definately deserves the download if you don't already have it, or the dust-off if it has been two years since you played it.