♦ Livestream of 3 ZZT worlds. ♦
♦ Stream Contents ♦
• (1:22) "Messed It Up Again! (Demo)" by Bob Pragt (1999) [https://museumofzzt.com/file/view/mess/]
• (30:15) "NamExtreme" by Atrocity, Various, WiL (2001) [https://museumofzzt.com/file/view/namextreme/]
• (1:43:04) "Place (Original)" by Hans Woodman, SaMM (2001) [https://museumofzzt.com/file/view/place_original/]
Starting with "Messed It Up Again!", a fun little demo mostly spent trying to get out of your house. Explore a few rooms, find your keys, unclog your toilet that looks like a person (the game's custom font was added later, and there was some overlap with new graphics and used characters)...
Then an electrical repair puzzle with you laying wires behind you where you need to find a path that won't get you stuck.
There's not a ton here, but it's a fun look at "chaotic living" as the author calls it.
"NamExtreme" meanwhile ends up being so large that it prevents us from checking out half the planned games for the stream. This was a community IRC project WiL was organizing where everyone would take a letter (or digit apparently) and make a single board game around that. While only a few of the slots have been taken, there's a lot to keep players busy.
A gem dragging mini-game is a neat example that gets a bit frustrating the longer it goes on, but certainly feels different. One or two boards more weird letter-themed visuals. ChromeDragon's boards are some enjoyable little gauntlets of challenges to grab keys. Mr. Shapiro makes an appearance on one of the odder boards. For a forgotten community project, it's actually pretty neat to explore ...mostly. There's even a custom tool to build a ZZT file from a group of exported boards used to compile the world.
There's _also_ some unsavory content which we haphazardly stumbled into that I cut out of the VOD. So do be wary of teenagers calling one another the f-slur and worse. It's a 2000s game alright.
Lastly, for a palate cleanser, "Place" is a series of short surreal boards with little to do with one another. Almost NamExtreme but with just two others and arranged more haphazardly. "Super Place", "Land of Keys", "Land of Dots", you know, it's that kind of thing, picking a random idea and running with it.
♦ Play these worlds directly in your browser ♦
• https://museumofzzt.com/file/play/mess/
• https://museumofzzt.com/file/play/namextreme/
• https://museumofzzt.com/file/play/place_original/
♦ Originally streamed on March 15th, 2025 ♦