The 101 Beans Against the Bears

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Livestream - Winter '25 2.4 Hours of ZZT Jam Games

Playing games created for the 2.4 Hours of ZZT Jam

Authored By: Dr. Dos
Published: Mar 5, 2025
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♦ Livestream of 7 ZZT worlds. ♦

♦ Stream Contents ♦
• (1:20) "The 101 Beans Against the Bears" by RT-55J (2025) []
• (17:53) "HOPE ENGINE" by Kkairos (2025)
• (28:48) "Plant" by dave2 (2025)
• (40:58) "Bomodi" by Kaddar (2025
• (1:00:01) "The Castle of Count 100" by WiL (2025) []
• (1:16:54) "howa bouta soma ammonotino++" by Snorb (2025) []
• (1:49:29) "LOW POWER" by Zephyr (2001) []

As of upload time, not all files have been uploaded to the Museum of ZZT, but all entries are available at:

Playing the fruits of our labor, with 7 games being submitted! (My own entry not included.) Every game had to adhere to a simple concept: Give the player 100 ammo. End the game if they run out.

"101 Beans" sees the player as having purchases 101 beans, 100 normal and one magic. While the magic bean is planted and needs to sprout, wave after wave of hungry and/or angry bears descend upon your garden to destroy it. Your task is to defend your bean by throwing the non-magical ones in the bears' way. These beans quickly explode into brambles, forming breakable walls that the bears are foiled by, making it a game of survival with limited resources. A lot of fun and some great storyboard art.

"HOPE ENGINE" is a traditional ZZT platformer with a dash attack for covering larger gaps. Your goal is to reach the exit of each level using your hope-energy (ammo) powered suit in order to reach a large supply of the stuff to bring back to the people. Some tough jumps and a strict time limit make this one a real challenge. (At least until I realized you can jump indefinitely.)

"Plant" is by far the most unique idea of the group. Throw seeds into your garden and watch them grow into all kinds of things, both helpful and harmful. Clear a path through the garden to reach the other side and cash in your harvest, aiming to get a high score by not wasting any seeds and getting good items to grow.

"Bomodi" tells the tale of a robot on the moon with limited ammo. You need to clear away rocks to uncover paths deeper into the caverns. The game is one big puzzle with a few tricks up its sleeve. Figure out the correct path to collect the keys and find unexpected items and and secret passages to find a way to get everything in one go.

"Count 100" sees you fighting against a count (not _the_ Count from Sesame Street I hope) in four different arenas. Each has a different gimmick to the fight from simple obstructions to spawned in creatures to dealing with blink walls. You have to hit the count 100 times in total, so it's lucky for you any ammo lost from missing is returned to you. Don't question it.

"how abouta soma ammonotino" parodies TOUR.ZZT taking players through a number of strange interpretations of classic ZZT boards. With only 100 ammo to get through them all, you need to carefully manage your resources, all while collecting keys as trophies of your victories. Includes unique messages for running out of ammo on _every_ board.

"LOW POWER" is another robot that's outta juice game. A lack of energy means you and any other robots on the planet are beginning to shut down. Before that happens, you must complete your mission and revive the last human from cryosleep lest they too shut down. Explore a bright white planet, figuring out what is where and how you might use items to your advantage. And figure it out quick! Unlike Bomodi, your ammo isn't just for shooting, it's also continually draining down to represent your energy!

Overall a fantastic set of games featuring a lot of variety in ideas and execution. The jam was a ton of fun to make something for as well as play. Many thanks to WiL for hosting such a great event.

♦ Originally streamed on February 28th, 2025 ♦

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