Extincticide: The Most Ancient Atrocity

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ZZT Livestream - Extincticide (Part 1)

You and Buzz set off on a time traveling adventure to learn about dinosaurs in this wonderful modern remake of the author's childhood ZZT world

Authored By: Dr. Dos
Published: Feb 27, 2025
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♦ Livestream of the ZZT world "Extincticide: The Most Ancient Atrocity" by Joseph Austin (2025) [https://museumofzzt.com/file/view/xcide1/] ♦

♦ Stream Contents ♦
• (2:00) "Extincticide: The Most Ancient Atrocity" by Joseph Austin (2025) [https://museumofzzt.com/file/view/xcide1/]

An author's reimagining of their childhood ZZT game!

This is a concept I can get behind. Extincticide gives players the best of both worlds, with a bizarre story of two kids who go on a time-traveling adventure to write the best darn report about dinosaurs ever. Alas, hijinks ensue and they discover that dinosaurs had their own society much like our own, and are quickly attacked by a rogue scientist's followers who plan to use time travel technology to escape their own extinction by moving in to present day.

So you get all the fun of an adventure filled with wild ideas about dino-life, with none of the friction of buggy code or ambiguous goals.

This game was a treat to play, each board filled with plenty to discover and some good looking visuals to boot. Our boys Buzz and "You" provide constant banter and comedic elements, and a lot time travel pop culture references. The people and dinos they interact with are strange indeed, and the game encourages exploration via bonus torches that can be redeemed between chapters for extra supplies.

Thusfar it's been nothing but a pleasure to see the sights and shoot the baddies, and I'm expecting that to continue in the next stream!

♦ Play this world directly in your browser ♦

♦ Originally streamed on February 23rd, 2025 ♦

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