♦ Livestream of creating the ZZT world "The 100 Ammo Dungeon" by Dr. Dos (2025) [https://museumofzzt.com/file/view/dos100ammo/] ♦
♦ Stream Contents ♦
• (9:59) "The 100 Ammo Dungeon" by Dr. Dos (2025) [https://museumofzzt.com/file/view/dos100ammo/]
Participating in the first of WiL's series of 2.4 Hours of ZZT Jams [https://itch.io/jam/24-hours-jam-h125-circuit]
Creating a game in 144 minutes, a time limit that's always even stricter than imagined. Unlike previous 2.4 Hour jams which relied on each participant getting a random made up word and definition to base their creation around, this time the theme was decided in advance and shared between all. The theme for this jam was:
"The 100 ammo": Give the player 100 ammo at the start of your game. When the player's ammo reaches 0, the game ends.
My idea was to create numerous single-screen dungeon boards with players having to guess how many they could complete with a fixed amount of ammo, going for a high score and losing points for dungeons they boasted they could finish that did not get done. But with 2.4 hours, that concept got squashed into three levels and a very hasty ending that just makes it a challenge of survival.
To entice players to go for more points, each dungeon has optional objectives for bonus points if they accomplish tasks like defeating particular enemies or set off every bomb in the level.
Overall, I was really pleased with how it came out, save for the lack of title screen and lack of a proper ranking before ending the game. Oh, and forgetting to erase some reference tiles in one of the levels that made it impossible to actually clear the goals. So it goes.
Expect a stream or two soon playing the other entrants' games!
♦ Play this world directly in your browser ♦
• https://museumofzzt.com/file/play/dos100ammo/
♦ Originally streamed on February 21st, 2025 ♦