BKZZTer's Anonymous

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Wildcard Stream Vol. 113 - WiL-dcard Stream 6

A journalist makes the headlines with a fight to the death with the mayor's son, games made in under 30 minutes, a sprawling pokemon spinoff, and more!

Authored By: Dr. Dos
Published: Feb 22, 2025
Part of Series: Wildcard Streams
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♦ Livestream of 6 ZZT worlds. ♦

♦ Stream Contents ♦
• (2:00) "Unusual" by WiL (2000) [https://museumofzzt.com/file/view/unusual/]
• (10:20) "BKZZTer's Anonymous" by WiL (2000) [https://museumofzzt.com/file/view/bkza/]
• (29:35) "I Am a Living, Breathing, Walking, Talking Zebra Fart (v1.1)" by WiL (2001) [https://museumofzzt.com/file/view/lbwtzf/]
• (34:30) "The Man (Intro)" by WiL (2002) [https://museumofzzt.com/file/view/the%20man/]
• (38:39) "The Pressman" by King Bat (1995) [https://museumofzzt.com/file/view/pressman/]
• (53:20) "TinyMon Chronicles" by WiL (1999) [https://museumofzzt.com/file/view/tinymonc/]

"Unusual", a little philosophy essay written far too late at night.

"BKZZTer's Anonymous" is a rare collection of games made for IRC game jams with time limits as disgustingly short as 20 minutes! You get five games to choose from. In "Story of Ludwig", Ludwig agrees to meet a strange man a decade later and discovers the unpleasant results of keeping his promise. "Shadows" has you fighting your demons in the dark. "Soap Bubble" is an engine about keeping a bubble floating in the air, that requires some real dexterity to have any success with. "The Frenchmen" is a tale of confusion and perhaps WiL's first goose drawing. And lastly "The Paper People" with an extra 10 minutes of time is a similar dungeon shooter like "Shadows" except with some art and a narrator with a very thick accent to teach you how to defeat the monsters.

"Zebra Fart" is a collection of strange art framed around grabbing keys to unlock the sacred hymns of a giant hymnal. It has some certainly unique visuals, both in a positive and negative sense. The picture of your grandmother is quite well done.

"The Man" is a horror game whose opening art boards are trippy, melting, and hard to comprehend. This is followed by an empty cave system meant to populated with something I'm sure.

"The Pressman" is our WiL break for the week. Hot on the case of a mayoral scandal, you decide to interview an old man who may know something, only to be forced to do manual labor and not even get your scoop! Likely your investigations are halted when you fight the mayor's son to the death. Also the author loves Primus and Primus is performing a concert and there are trivia questions about Primus albums. Jerry Was A Race Car Driver did not show up, so I didn't know anything.

Lastly "Tinymon Chronicles", a hardly tiny game that toes the line between Pokemon fan game and Pokemon inspired game, with legally distinct monsters that are admitted to be Pokemon with a different regional term for them. This one takes a different approach from most ZZT Monster Catchers, having you move and shoot as normal (throwing stun balls), while defeating boss monsters to then recruit them to your team. It seems like that part of the game isn't actually implemented so it's man versus beast, and a very unfair matchup.

The game is broken up into a number of worlds, with players transferring between them as they enter certain areas. A special inventory world lets you keep track of items collected and monsters captured by entering passwords given by the game. It's intended to be absolutely massive, and of course the list of monster names are incredible as always, but the game as it is is far too difficult and has plenty of dead ends.

♦ Play these worlds directly in your browser ♦

♦ Originally streamed on February 16th, 2025 ♦

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