ZZT : The Next Generation

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Livestream - ZZT: The Next Generation

Touring the galaxy to save it from stuffiness, and rescuing Weird Al from prison

Authored By: Dr. Dos
Published: Oct 18, 2024
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♦ Livestream of the ZZT world "ZZT : The Next Generation" by Andy Schile, Leonard Richardson (1995) [https://museumofzzt.com/file/view/nextgen/] ♦

♦ Stream Contents ♦
• (2:51) "ZZT : The Next Generation" by Andy Schile, Leonard Richardson (1995) [https://museumofzzt.com/file/view/nextgen/]

How convenient that as we enter October and uphold the tradition of playing some Super ZZT games, the ZZT series that we were playing winds up having another sequel for Super ZZT!

Every time I launch SZZT now the blocky text hurts my eyes more and more in terms of reading. Gameplay, whatever. Scrolls, dreadful.

But this isn't about Super ZZT. This is about the final game in the Da Warren trilogy. This time you're a student in the future attending Jabba the Hutt memorial high school. A power outage causes some technology problems and the next thing you know you're going from planet to planet doing lord knows what.

It's very much another wander around, talking to weird people kind of game like its predecessors. The switch to Super ZZT benefits it by letting the authors spread things out over a larger area without having to make a dozen boards to fill up instead. Humor-wise, it's still pretty typical 90s stuff, though I suppose now that we've hit 1995 I'm finding it more appealing as I at least have some memories of 1995. It also has its moments of action, which are pretty solid really. The sprawling boards of Super ZZT lend themselves nicely to shooting lions and rotons, allowing players to be surprised by what comes ahead without having to constantly mash "T" to light a torch for a miniscule little bit of light.

I'm getting to upload this one a bit late, and couldn't tell you much of what happened in it. There are some rebels as always, fighting stuffiness as always. I mostly just remember the prison break having some difficult (but definitely well made) puzzles and that we saved Weird Al and killed TV's Frank. You win some, you lose some.

♦ Play this world directly in your browser ♦

♦ Originally streamed on October 11th, 2024 ♦

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