The Mansion of Bill! (v1.0)

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Livestream - ZZT: The Mansion of Bill! (Part 2 Finale)

Exploring the wastelands and the glory days of the BBS

Authored By: Dr. Dos
Published: Oct 9, 2024
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♦ Livestream of the ZZT world "The Mansion of Bill! (v1.0)" by Andy Schile, Leonard Richardson (1993) [] ♦

♦ Stream Contents ♦
• (2:27) "The Mansion of Bill! (v1.0)" by Andy Schile, Leonard Richardson (1993) []

Concluding Bill's Mansion as we leave the mall and escape to the wastelands.

After solving our issue of a missing key in the mall, obtained by shooting a window and investigating a mannequin, we're ready to explore the wastelands and venture into the now abandoned Da Warren BBS. Luckily, thanks to a time machine located inside we can see the thriving silly community it once hosted, with a conversion of a number of the board's sections being recreated in ZZT. They've got some real rock-bottom Star Trek parodies whose puns go beyond just episode titles and into full scenes, some great files to download (the script to Rocky Horror, Weird Al lyrics, and a copy of Alice in Wonderland), and a few depictions of various Door games users can play. It's very historic and very 1993.

Like Super ZZT's "Genesis Matrix", another recreation of a BBS into ZZT form, there's also a user section loaded with profiles of the various regulars, their hobbies, interests, and goals. Though as it turns out, if you give people a survey to fill out on a zany BBS, you get a lot of zany answers and jokes. Then again, answering "Raw energy" for favorite food says just as much if not more than someone who answered "Pizza".

A ghost town is explored, as well as one last meeting with Bill Cliton proving him a fraud who cannot actually play the sax before entering Bill's Mansion and fighting off a number of creatures, navigating a robot through a maze, and witnessing the horror of the deadly bunnies being bred as supersoldiers.

Then, on the final board it all breaks down as the game was having flag issues. A later version adds the item required to your inventory automatically, but I also managed to break it in a different way so watch your step.

Overall: silly. Spam-filled, and a reminder that excessive expose to most humor of this era can get pretty tiring.

But not too tiring! The game has another sequel made in Super ZZT that we'll be checking out soon!

♦ Play this world directly in your browser ♦

♦ Originally streamed on October 4th, 2024 ♦

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