Link's Adventure (Trilogy Pack)

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Birthday Stream Bonanza

An extra long birthday stream of my childhood favorites including Turmoil, Sivion, and the Link's Adventure trilogy

Authored By: Dr. Dos
Published: Oct 6, 2024
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♦ Livestream of 5 ZZT worlds. ♦

♦ Stream Contents ♦
• "Turmoil (v1.2)" by clysm (1999) []
• "Link's Adventure (Trilogy Pack)" by Rotaj Russell (1995) []
• "Sivion" by Monthigos (1995) []
• "Link's Adventure 2 (Trilogy Pack)" by Rotaj Russell (1995) []
• "Link's Adventure 3 (Trilogy Pack)" by Rotaj Russell (1995) []

A birthday stream aimed at using the date as an excuse to play a number of childhood favorites! We went all afternoon, playing something close to 6 hours of ZZT games, which I figured I'd just break up by game and publish as individual videos.

Starting with Turmoil for a nice introduction. Turmoil is a sci-fi adventure game by clysm, more well known these days for games like Seiklus, but also well known in the ZZT community for games like this and Kudzu. A crew voyages through space, performing missions to help out others as directed by their AI ship computer Boris.

It's still a ton of fun, though the final cave maze was not having it.

♦ Music played ♦
• "25YEAR LEGEND" []
• "Ana Soundtrack" []
• "Creepy Castle Soundtrack" []
• "King's Chill Vol. 1" []
• "March with Me" []

The second birthday stream game, Link's Adventure is one of ZZT's most iconic worlds. It seemingly touched everyone that played it, becoming a core memory even for those who only dabbled in ZZT.

It's that ladder climb to Skyrule and its bridge. I swear.

The whole game is a treat that makes me turn my brain off when it comes to pretty much any criticism. Too many stars? Just shoot 400 bullets at them until they go away. Invisible mazes? Their paths are burned into my brain at this point and just fly by.

The third birthday stream game, Sivion is another iconic one. Unlike Link's Adventure however, I just cannot enjoy it how I used to. I knew going in that I wouldn't finish the game, as it's rather long and easy to break, but I got bored of most of its world pretty quickly compared to when I was younger. The game has become a bit of a modern ZZT meme these days thanks to its repeated pleas for you to stop ZZTing and start playing MegaZeux instead.


The fourth birthday stream game, Link's Adventure Part 2 is one I haven't played in decades now. The audience was warning me that it was the worst game in the series, and I already agreed. What I didn't remember was that it actually is just pretty mediocre compared to the incredibly charming parts one and three. Here I thought it was just "good but not as good".

Lots of empty looking boards filled with fifty or more enemies that all need to be defeated to proceed to the next such board. It's still not as bad as some of the games I've played, but it certainly won't be anyone's favorite.

Lastly, the fifth and final birthday stream game, Link's Adventure Part 3. This one is actually pretty impressive, nostalgia aside. The game incorporates a few side-view screens, features an overworld with four castles to conquer in any order, as well as a number of special items that provide useful new abilities for the player.

At the onset, it's another Link's Adventure. By the end, players will have an item radar to reveal hidden treasures as well as regenerating health and ammo. The open ended nature of the game makes it one to replay repeatedly, trying the castles in different orders and seeing what gets easier and what gets harder depending on what items you have an when.

Overall, I had a ton of fun playing these! I certainly picked more games than I knew I'd have time to play, but that just means I have some good choices for next year.

(See first video for music credits)

♦ Play these worlds directly in your browser ♦

♦ Originally streamed on September 29th, 2024 ♦

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