The Mansion of Bill! (v1.0)

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Livestream - ZZT: The Mansion of Bill! (Part 1)

A vastly improved sequel that goes all-in on 90s humor about spam and Star Trek TNG

Authored By: Dr. Dos
Published: Oct 4, 2024
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♦ Livestream of the ZZT world "The Mansion of Bill! (v1.0)" by Andy Schile, Leonard Richardson (1993) [] ♦

♦ Stream Contents ♦
• (2:15) "The Mansion of Bill! (v1.0)" by Andy Schile, Leonard Richardson (1993) []

Hooray, this sequel to House of Bob is much closer to what I was expecting, and ends being far more entertaining to play. Plus it appears to have been built from a release of Super Tool Kit so early that it predates any copy we have?

Now rather than a weirdly player-hostile Town-like, we get a game much more focused on being silly in accordance with early 90s ideas of what silliness is. Spam jokes? Yes please. Monty Python references? Of course. Obsessions with mundane places of business like mattress stores? Yessir.

In this world, Da Warren is suffering from a crisis of stuffyness, the boring unwanted counterpart to the silly. Your job is to find out who is causing it and to put a stop to it. This means embarking on a journe through Bill's mansion, and the many places of interest in Sillyville. You can study at the university, shop at the mall, grab a bite to eat at Taco Bill, and of course work on getting Jabba the Hutt elected president in 1996.

It's not the funniest of games today, with its share of humor that now seems as quaint as asking what the deal is with airline food, but it's definitely putting in the effort, and there are still some genuine laughs to be had even now. It's also a lengthy adventure, unexpectly needing to be split in half like this after getting lost in the Mattress Barn (where we enjoyed reading about a number of Star Trek TNG themed mattress options for purchase). But it definitely makes for a nice time capsule, and the lack of trying to prevent the player from getting anywhere makes it a much more accessible world.

Remember to always think silly thoughts and never eat the spam!

♦ Play this world directly in your browser ♦

♦ Originally streamed on September 27th, 2024 ♦

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