The Case of the Banged-Up Banana Truck

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The Case of the Banged-Up Banana Truck and Other New Releases

Fixing a broken truck by learning biology, and marine biology. Then some clever mini games!

Authored By: Dr. Dos
Published: Sep 9, 2024
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♦ Livestream of 3 ZZT worlds. ♦

♦ Stream Contents ♦
• (5:22) "The Case of the Banged-Up Banana Truck" by Ezektiel Ewell (2024) []
• (1:21:36) "The Teleported Ruffian Puzzle" by Vacek (2024) []
• (1:25:44) "The Wrath of the Color Eraser" by Vacek (2024) []

The plan: Play through a whole bunch of short games made throughout 2024.
The execution: Spending ~80 minutes on the first game.

That's okay though because "The Case of the Banged-Up Banana Truck" is an excellent bizzare (but perhaps not trippy?) game in which everything that could go wrong with your banana truck has. Flat tire, no antifreeze, no gas, cracked windshield. You've got problems, and the only way to continue on your way is to find fixes for them.

Things aren't quite what they seem though. Exploring the park-like environment just off the road will have the player learning basic biology about the human body on one board, then buying a gun from one of many fish on the next. A store filled with all kinds of strange products provides a lot of reading material, and quite a number of jokes to go along with them.

You'll also be facing some more classic obstructions, sliders, boulders, spinning guns, and invisible walls while fending off creatures that emerge from the woods when you least expect them to. Try to find some ammo fast!

Then when all is said and done, well... consider where you should drive to next.

Then, with minutes left to stream, we checked out two single board mini games by Vacek which exploit some previous unexploited behaviors in ZZT.

The first, "The Teleported Ruffian Puzzle" as a kind of targeted Whack-A-Mole where you go through transporters to push ruffians rather than be harmed by them, attempting to knock them into a dedicated goal. A neat idea that can play kind of slow as the ruffian mostly goes where it pleases.

The second, "The Wrath of the Color Eraser" has an ever encroaching number of breakable walls descend towards the bottom of the well. Players guide an arrow from side to side that can shoot upward to destroy the breakables, with down controlling your arrow's color. Match your color with the destroyed wall (detected by checking for what color empty gets left behind when it's destroyed) and earn points, with a combo system for taking out multiple blocks of the same color. This one seems like it should be really easy, but with the time taken to cycle through colors, juggling maintaining a combo with clearing away the lowest walls makes for an unexpectedly frantic game!

As for the rest, well, there's always next Friday.

♦ Play these worlds directly in your browser ♦

♦ Originally streamed on September 6th, 2024 ♦

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