My World (v1.2)

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Wildcard Stream Vol. 90 - Worlds Worlds Worlds!

Worlds of Wrestling, Experimentation, and Grossness. Looking for diamonds in the rough in a number of fairly short games.

Authored By: Dr. Dos
Published: Aug 16, 2024
Part of Series: Wildcard Streams
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♦ Livestream of 8 ZZT worlds. ♦

♦ Stream Contents ♦
• (1:40) "WWF" by Denny Brown (1994) []
• (7:40) "WWF Warrior's Rage" by Jason Gironimi []
• (16:28) "WWF King of the Ring (Incomplete)" by Unknown (1995) []
• (18:54) "My World (v1.2)" by Unknown (1994) []
• (25:57) "My World 2" by Jago360, Jesse Murphy (1997) []
• (1:08:45) "Puke's World" by Firehawk (1998) []
• (1:27:39) "Puke's World 2" by Firehawk (1998) []
• (1:45:09) "Puke's World 3" by Firehawk (1998) []

Is this a record? The queue has a number of rather short worlds that can be gotten through in minutes, so I figured now's a good time to run through a number. And that means ZZT wrestling games.

Honestly, there's not a whole lot to say about any of them. At best you fight in a colorful wrestling ring and shoot at a bunch of built-in creatures that are intended to correspond to famous wrestlers of the era. If you ever wanted to fight 10 Hulk Hogans at once, this is your chance. The "Warrior's Rage" game has hints of story to it, with boards named for fights in the ring, locker rooms, and the audience, but each board is still just some ruffians in a yellow bordered room and none of this information is communicated in game.

The last WWF game is an incomplete version of a game whose completed release is already around. Explore a vacant ring!

Then we enter the My World series? (I suspect they're the same authors but the name is generic enough that it's hard to say.) Unsurprisingly given the name, they're editor playaround titles made by a budding ZZTer. They're not too shabby though! Perhaps because of the low quality wrestling, but there's some creativity on display with the boards here. It's all basic action with little connection from one board to the next, but the sequel starts to do more. There's an elephant with moving trunk in the zoo, a palace of M&M candies, tennis courts, chain restaurants, and both action and puzzle boards.

While it does the "Wrong passage!" trope seen in a lot of ZZTers' early games, it breaks tradition and just lets the player leave and find the correct passage instead. Incredible.

Then... the Puke's World series. These were noted as being loaded with potty humor, and that's one way to put it. Some real grossout games as you make trouble at a water park after being flushed down a toilet. The games are sadly loaded with middle-school homophobia that was just short of being enough to make me stop playing on stream. Be forewarned.

♦ Play these worlds directly in your browser ♦

♦ Originally streamed on August 11th, 2024 ♦

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