Warlock's Unfinished Games

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Wildcard Stream Vol. 88 - Warlock's Unfinished Games

A deadly game of Mario Paint. A deadly murder mystery. A lot of band practice, and just hanging out with your friends

Authored By: Dr. Dos
Published: Jul 19, 2024
Part of Series: Wildcard Streams
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♦ Livestream of the ZZT world "Warlock's Unfinished Games" by Warlock93 [https://museumofzzt.com/file/view/warlockp/]. ♦

A compilation upload of an author's incomplete projects. Some of which seem kind of which seem kind of neat, some of which are a bit less likely to be mourned.

(1:55) Baillios - A sleepover gone wrong at the Baillios residence? Play as two twins running around the house in search of their kidnapped friends that have been trapped mostly in the walls somewhere. Find annoyingly hidden items and secret passages, while getting a feel for what the family home was probably actually like. Play SNES games (including a deadly Mario Paint), read comic books, rock out on the drum kit, and feed Baby the bird.

Difficult to make progress in, but otherwise kind of fun as a time capsule of these kids' lives.

(32:32) Batmonkey II - A far messier superhero game. After an explosion in the police station, it's up to Batmonkey to figure out whodunit. This one feels a lot more sparse than the previous game, and its setting doesn't offer much in the way of anything interesting to do, being just a generic police station. It starts on the wrong board and half the passages aren't linked up properly making for a sluggish experience with little payoff.

(45:11) Fun In Jazz The Game! - Another excellent time capsule. This time taking place within a public school, and focused around the band members. Again, it's hard to tell what you should be doing. At least this time the boards are little more detailed, including a great looking band room to start from. Some of the kids from Baillios are included here as well, which makes sense giving their interest in playing the drums.

(1:08:12) The Trilogy of Mr. Litcranium And His Dog Wildfire! - Another superhero game that's really lacking in much of anything. Mr. Litcranium's head is permanently on fire and his dog is made of asbestos. About the only thing actually implemented is the computer with a list of characters including Smokey the Bear and The Lorax.

(1:17:44) Sleepover - Another visit to the Baillios residence. Smaller, more incomplete. Features the game Hedbanz. Also features me confessing to theft when I was in the 2nd grade.

(1:24:32) Sleuth - If I had a nickle for every ZZT port of the DOS Game Sleuth (https://dosgames.com/game/sleuth/) I'd have two nickles. etc. etc.

A straightforward mystery if you're paying attention to discover who killed Brett, with what, and where he was killed. Honestly, it works fairly well. I'm just too much of a dummy to retain information these days, and incorrect guesses result in everyone at the party including yourself being done in by the murderer, so please try to pay attention and think before you speak!

Besides the few scuffs from being incomplete and some less savory moments, this was a pretty fun set to explore. I really like the "fanfiction of me and my friends" games that don't get too far out there. They're a nice refresher of what life in the 90s was like, what kids cared about (drums), and what they feared (teachers). And Sleuth was a pretty good finale that makes me want to check out the original DOS game more seriously, or at least the Chris Kohler ZZT game also based on it.

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♦ Originally streamed on July 14th, 2024 ♦

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