The Thief II (Uncut/Original)

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Livestream - The Thief II (Part 2 Finale)

I hate when this happens. Sometimes when I use this crystal ball it makes the inside of my hut have some grass.

Authored By: Dr. Dos
Published: Dec 20, 2021
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Livestream of the ZZT world "The Thief II" by Leamas (1997)

Continuing the chase for the Thief through Bum Town, a thief-ravaged town buried in snow, a graveyard, and some castle. This second half gets a little more entertaining as there are plenty of comical bits of dialog, but they seem more unintentional than those in the original.

We also learn that the difference between this full uncut edition and the trimmed down version isn't just for memory saving, but also because the deleted boards are a 10+ board maze! Awful.

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